Bud Support

Emotional Support

Being there for your buds emotionally is good because sometimes they feel better about talking to others when it envoles emotions.

Stress is something that bud's deal with differently sometimes. Having a bud to relate to can provide some techniques that one may have can be helpful to another.

Relationship issues are tougher to deal with on occasion becuse mostly there is allot of ferlings envoled. Having another bro that has a successful relationship to speak with can help sort things out.

Having a bud around can create good vibes. It's someone that person wise that can most of the time be relatable to when it comes to surroundings.


Keeping a good influence is healthy mentally and all around as a person. When there's a good influencer around good descisissions are made and less negativety is thought of.

When your bud's is wanting todo something bad, as a bud sometimes you can can change their mind by coming up with good things to do or stuff thats settling.

Helping out in the community is a way of being in a great frame of mind. It also helps to be a good influence because surrounding yourself with people who are local helps. The amount of joy that is spread from this can make a person nicer.

By being a mentor you can help encourage your bud to be the best that he can be. Your bud feels as though there is someone that can depend on for mental support or a relationship as simple as having a friend.

Ideal Helping

Helping with ideas that your bud have can make what is being done better often. Sometime peolpe have great ideas and when thinking so much about it the ideas goes "off course" so to speak. Helping with the idea can help maintain focus.

Supporting by being incorouging is one of the best way to show support.

Team work is great to work towards. Building a team helps because when doing so you have support from others.

Created by Michael Donavon Gray